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Highlights from the Flying Doctor's logbook
01865 748197

Welcome to the
February issue of highlights from the flights.


The Flying Doctor

The Flying Doctor specialises in fast

response to computer problems for homes, people running business from home and in small offices.

Call The Flying Doctor because we will sort out your computer, web and network issues in a businesslike, sensible way. But, if there’s no affordable cure and it’s cheaper for you to buy a new computer, we will say so.

With 30 years’ experience of fixing computers, there isn’t much that we haven’t seen before. But we’re honest too - if we can’t fix it, we’ll tell you!

Remember we offer free email and telephone support and you can read our collection of
free guides

We’re so sure that we’ll sort out your problems that we say:
if The Flying Doctor doesn’t sort your problem then you don’t pay!

Call 01865 748197
for a fast response to your computer problems.


This month we look at:

and also:

Do I restore or reset?

One of the nice features introduced by Windows XP was the ability to ‘rewind’ the computer if anything went wrong when installing a new program or whatever. It leaves your data intact but changes Windows and programs back to the time and date you choose.

Really useful. However, there are other programs called things like ‘system recovery’ or ‘factory restore’. What these do is to return your computer to the state it was in when you opened the box. Sometimes you need to do this but everything on your computer has gone for ever.....

So be careful. When a helpful friend tells you to use system restore, go to control panel. Open ‘system’ and then click ‘system protection’ on the left. This opens a new window that suggests a system restore date and time. This recent date and time confirms that you are using system restore. If you do something else then you will erase your computer.

Personalise your display

The human mind is a wonderful thing and we should use its capabilities to make our lives easier.

An example is that it is good at remembering shapes and positions, so we can use this to our advantage when setting up our desktop.

You can move icons around by holding down the mouse button and dragging icons about. So you can use the whole screen to create groups of related icons. For example, I have a group for games, another group for internet programs and so on. I can remember easily where each group is and so I just have to look there.

So much easier than scanning down the columns of icons presented as standard.

.Thinking of a new computer?

Many of us need a new computer from time to time. It‘s very confusing knowing what to buy when there are so many types of device, so many specifications and so much confusion.

So let’s see how we can help. The two big questions are what do you do with the computer and how do you use it? Let’s take those in sort of reverse order.

Do you take your computer out and about a lot or does it stay in one place? If it’s in one place, then buying a desktop will give you best value. However, if you value portability, then a laptop could be the thing for you.

There is lots of noise about netbooks and tablets. Both are great in the right place. Have a desktop machine in the office because to do high powered things and a smaller device to take around with you. Neither a netbook or a tablet is going to have the power of a laptop or desktop, but do have their uses. Netbooks are great for taking about to keep in touch with emails and stuff, whilst tablets turn on fast and are great for browsing and displaying. But I wouldn’t want to type a reasonably-long document on one. Think of them as an inflated smart-phone.

So if you only have one computer, probably a laptop is best. If more than one, think about a desktop and tablet/netbook. It all depends on your needs.

So let’s talk specs: this means processor, RAM and hard drive size.

The best processors at the moment are Intel Core i 3/5/7. The i5 will do more than most people need.. Atoms are used in netbooks and tablets, being lower-powered and optimised for energy efficiency. I feel that AMD and Celeron processors are behind the times.

RAM governs how much your computer can do at any one time. 4Gb is fine for most people unless you do lots of video-editing. But if your operating system is not 64-bit, it will only see 3gb anyway, so in that case there’s no point in more. Tablets need a lot less memory.

Hard drive size determines how much data you can take with you. So have a look at how much you have stored on your existing computer. Not as much as you think. Again tablets have a different form of storage and can get away with a lot less.

But the only thing you can’t change is the processor, so if you have to cut back, reduce ram and then disc size rather than the processor.

People that I'm working with

I've been working with Louise Esplin of Esplin PR to promote our services through the Reading local press. If you are in the Oxford area, her colleage Alison Dewar from Straight PR is also great for your business.

Franchise partner opportunities
We've released the next five territories for franchise partners to join the fleet using our proven business model to build a successful business.

The flying doctor is  looking for enthusiastic individuals who enjoy working with computers. You can help them run their own business and turn their passion into profit!

Think of the people you know who would like this opportunity then get them to:
  call the flying doctor on 01865 748197
  visit the website

to start on their success.

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